MoP: A look at Druid 90 talents

In this post, I'm going to take a look at the new level 90 Druid talents for the game World of WarCraft: Mists of Pandaria. I personally play a troll Restoration/Balance druid, and am currently experimenting with the feral spec for PvP. 

Mists of Pandaria brings in a lot of changes for all classes, including the druid class. The expansion brings a new talent system, removing the Cataclysm edition and bringing a 6 tier talent system. Every 15 levels, you get to choose a new ability or passive ability.

The talent tree for druids looks as following:

And the level 90 abilities are:

Now, let's have a look at the talents, how they work and what I would choose at this moment.

Heart of the Wild
When activated, dramatically improves the Druid's ability to perform roles outside of their normal specialization for 45 sec. This ability grants a diverse set of abilities, depending on your specialization. What this ability basically does, is making a druid more hybrid and more able to fill a diverse set of roles in PvE/PvP.

I can see this ability being AWESOME in PvP, because you now are able to do a fair share of attacks when shifting to catform as a restoration druid. I have this problem all the time in arena. When I shift to kitty form, my attacks are weak and only the interrupt is very powerful. I like this talent for PvP, but I'm not sure if I'm going to choose this in PvE scenarios. I'd rather stay focussing on healing, than shifting to a bear and tank some adds in a raid.

Dream of Cenarius: 
Wrath, Starfire, Starsurge, and melee abilities increase healing done by your next healing spell by 70%. Tranquility is not affected. Non-instant casts of Nourish, Healing Touch, and Regrowth increase the damage done by your next damaging spell by 70% or by your next melee ability by 30%. Each of these bonuses lasts 30 sec.

Again a nice talent for doing more than just healing/dps'ing. A moonkin can help the healers with a casual heal on for example the tank, and a restoration druid can dps for example burn fights as Spine of Deathwing. But to be honest, this will be a kinda PvP ability if you ask me. I'm not sure how raids will be in Mists of Pandaria, but this talent will be very useful in PvP.

This ability works the same as it currently does, making shapeshifting removing snares and slows. However, new in MoP is the 20% heal you'll receive when shapeshifting in for example a cat or bear as restoration. The 20% heal can only occur every 30 seconds.

Now if you ask me, the 90 druid tier is kinda PvP focust. However, Disentanglement could work on fights like Ragnaros where you have to run as a group towards another point (in the adds phase). I had to shape into a kitty and use stampeding roar. If, while having this talent, the shapeshift would heal me for 20%, my healing wouldn't suffer too much from shapeshifting. I could see this talent working on several raids, but it will be most useful in PvP situations for restoration.

As the developers said themselves, the talent choice will be focust on the raid instance. So, for PvE I cannot really tell what I would choose at this point. For PvP, I would have to test Dream of Cenarius and Heart of the Wild, but my first choice (for arena) goes to disentanglement, just because I use it a lot currently in Cataclysm. Most arena fights start with me having to burst heal myself, and throughout the fight I have to shapeshift a lot. Disentanglement would work best with that playstyle, although I could see Heart of the Wild working if for example I can help with dps'ing the healer in cat form (so that a priest can't manaburn me :S).

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