20 Days of WoW Blogging: Day 6

20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge: Day 6» My Workplace/desk

The first sentence in my head for this blog was "although this 20 Days of WoW blogging challenge doesn't have much to do with WoW..". However, I realised quickly that this subject has got everything to do with World of WarCraft! It took me a second to realise that everything happens on my computer. I write blogs, play World of WarCraft and listen to music a lot. Every day I spend a lot of time behind my desk, in my workplace.

A picture of my desk is above, and as you can see I have 2 computers. Well, actually I have 3 at this moment, which will soon change. My desk is in front of a window and has another desk next to it where my printer stands and where I throw stuff on. I usually have my iPad next to me, but I needed it to make the picture. For fun, I have a cactus which I water every 3 months.

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