20 Days of WoW Blogging: Day 2

20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge: Day 2 » Why you decided to start a blog

Today, I'm explaining why I decided to start a blog.. again. And believe me when I say I've created a lot throughout the last 3 years. My blog history begins with a Dutch blog about basically everything. It went well for some time, but I lost interest after a while. My second blog was a blog about laying in the hospital, and all my experiences there. I decided to delete it because of the Google search results.. and because I felt I had to.

Then, English blogging began. I was active on a diverse number of internet blogs, and eventually I found Triond.com to be the best one for me. I could write in whatever catagory I wanted to, and could earn a little penny for doing it. It was a great motivation, and since 2011 I published 140 blogs and reached over 7000 views.

The start of this blog
I decided to start a gaming blog, because I want to collect all my gaming articles under one domain. This is the place to do it. I've been writing since 2011 actively about World of WarCraft, but I wanna write about more games, so that's my goal for this blog. And if I fail, I can blame World of WarCraft for being too addictive.

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