Diablo 3: First impression

I haven't been familiar with the Diablo franchise untill Diablo III was released. I purchased the World of WarCraft annual pass, and so I received Diablo III for free. Here's my first impression fo the dark and awesome game.

I've been playing WoW for some time now, so I'm used to using WSAD to move around. This was the first big new thing for me in Diablo III, you have to move with your mouse. At first, I clicked for every step I had to make. If I were to still do that, I would have a mousearm. Thankfully, someone gave the tip to hold the mouse so that your character moves in that direction. That helped a lot.

Secondly, the interface looks quite different than what I'm used too. There are many new things to discover in Diablo III for a WoW player, such as the skill tree or the achievements. Some things quite look like World of WarCraft, but other things are really strange or hard to find. I also have to get used to the fact that looting absolutely EVERYTHING isn't helpfull for your inventory. I'm just not used to having a full bag every 15 minutes since leveling my first WoW character.

I love the game already, because it's different and fun. I'm currently leveling a monk, which I enjoy because the fighting is quite active and it requires a lot of special moves. Fighting is another point for me to get used to, because I'm used to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. Now, you have to click left or right for attacks, and sometimes you use 1-2-3-4. But so far I like Diablo III.

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