20 Days of WoW Blogging: Day 3

20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge: Day 3» Your first day playing WoW

My first day in World of WarCraft: Cataclysm was 1 year ago. The first character I made was a blood elf male priest, because I love the starting zone for blood elves. I've played the game a lot at my sister, and for some reason I would always make a blood elf.

Unfortunately, the priest didn't last for long. I deleted it when it was around level 21. My WoW characters looked like this after I played for 2 weeks >>.

Non of these 4 have survived. After I started all these, I decided to delete my worgen druid and began leveling a night elf druid. I love night elves, they're so purple and fun! After leveling my (new) druid to 55, I decided to make a night elf death knight, which was deleted at level 71. Since then, I had around 3 DK's, all deleted. Untill I managed to get a dwarf to 85, which was later transformed in to a gnome.

I now have a goblin hunter (13), troll warlock (39), tauren paladin (76), gnome priest (85), gnome death knight (85), blood elf mage (85), goblin shaman (85), and my troll druid (85). The troll used to be the male night elf, but after the declining interest of the alliance guild, I decided to become a troll.

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