20 days of WoW Blogging: Day 1

20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge: Day 1 » Introduce yourself

Welcome to my blog. I'm Frans, a student from the Netherlands. I play World of WarCraft since 2010, and I enjoy it a lot. I started playing WoW on a private server back in 2007, which was kinda fun but as I see now not as fun as the real game.

I'm active on the internet since I was 6, when I first made my 'homepage' on a free server. It was really basic, and looking back now it was hilarious. When I was 11, I created my own 'company' with two relatives, which included a spectaculair homepage as well. I'm an active blogger since before I was in the hospital. Since 2011, I'm an active writer on Triond and I had several blogs, including a Wordpress one.

Why I decided to make a new blog, will be posted in the scond day of the 20 days of WoW Blogging challenge.

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