20 Days of WoW Blogging: Day 4

20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge: Day 4» your best WoW memory

I'm not a classic World of WarCraft player, so I remember quite well how playing as a newbie was. At least, playing and learning through leveling. I tried healing on a good day on my Druid, but it wasn't really successful because I didn't know what spell to use on what occasion. I've learned healing thanks to my sister, who plays a priest as main since 2008. I love healing, healing is for me the most fun and I have a Druid, shaman, priest and paladin healer. For Mists of Pandaria, I'm definitely going to be playing a healing monk. I'm not sure what class though, I do not like the casting animations of the pandaren.

Back to the subject of my best WoW memory. Firelands was the best raiding experience for me personally, I loved the bosses and had TONS of fun with my raiding guild. Eventually, I reached 4 out of 7 heroic. So Firelands is my best raiding memory for World of WarCraft. For PvP, the best memory happened just last week. I had an amazing fight in the arena with a guildie. I played my resto Druid and she played an unholy DK. We queued for 2vs2 and got into a fight. We had to fight against a holy paladin and an elemental shaman. 

My first reaction was 'impossible!!!'. However, it was possible and it turned out to be an awesome fight. I reached 10k health around 3 times and the holy paladin looked unkillable, but after 5 minutes of shape shifting, crazy healing and gaining new mana, my guildie did the impossible and killed the holy paladin. I literally screamed and it felt so epic! This fight will certainly be my best arena WoW memory.

For questing, my best memory is the Uldum questline, because it was super fun and felt quite rewarding. Although some quests were buggy, it was really engaging and I managed to do them all.  For professions, my best memory is reaching archeology 525. I love the profession and it was super fun to search for fragments, and eventually get gold and experience for it. The 525 'ding' took some time, but was awesome. 

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