Mists of Pandaria and Me

What are my experiences until now in Mists of Pandaria? So far patch 5.1 has been here, and here are my experiences. 

My history
I started playing World of WarCraft at the beginning of Cataclysm. My first characters varied from a blood elf priest to an orc warlock. Several (deleted) characters later, I started my night elf druid, the character that stole my heart. I loved him, it was a lot of fun. My first roles were feral dps and restoration off spec, but I did not understand healing at the time. I can remember a tank shouting: "One rejuvenation is not going to keep me alive noob" while I was spamming rejuvenation. Oh how I've learned since then. I switched to balance when my guild needed a ranged dps. At the time, friends and family helped me out with getting the hang of things such as hit rating and other important stats. Two persons in particular I am forever grateful, which is Jazzi (my sister) and Chalys (my mentor).

After playing alliance for a while, and having a ton of fun in my semi-hardcore guild in Firelands and Dragon Soul, I switched completly. My alliance characters became horde characters, and my night elf druid became a female troll. Now, all my serious characters are horde. However, I decided to level some alliance characters this expansion on different servers, so that I can get a taste of what I used to be. I am currently working on a draenei enhancement shaman, a worgen affliction warlock and a night elf shadow priest.

At the beginning of Mists of Pandaria, I began leveling my druid. The changes to balance were quite noticeable, and the fun I used to have with the spec vanished somehow. Therefore, after dinging 90 with my druid, I decided to change my main into my goblin shaman. Shamans are a lot of fun, elemental is epic and restoration still is brilliant. If I will ever change back to my druid is unknown for now, because balance is bad and (druid) restoration does not interest me that much. It went in the wrong direction when they nerfed Wild Growth.

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