War of Legends Startup Guide

War of Legends
War of Legends is a browser-based game, made by Jagex Incorporated (known for RuneScape). It's a Strategic game which requires lots of time to become better and better. In order to play this Chinese oriented game, you need some time and patience, because at the start it may look a bit boring or long-taking. However, when time will come you'll notice it's much fun.

How to play War of Legends
- In order to play WoL, you need a browser and Java updated.
- You can create an account via www.waroflegends.com. Currently, you can log in with Facebook if you like or create an account by using your emailadress and a password. People who play Runescape can log-in with theirRunescape data.
Getting started
- When you've created an account, you have to create a legend. Legends are legendary soldiers that fight by your sides and lead your cities and armies to victory. I suggest assigning your own created legend as governor.
- After you have created a legend, you'll enter your city. You'll notice several things in the interface:
  1. Your legend: here you'll see your legend, the one you've created. It's important to level your legend, so that your city gets more bonuses such as an attack bonus for your army.
    The bonus-time bag: Right next to the level indicator of your legend, you'll see a bag. When you click on it, you can see the "Time Online" bonuses. These are easily obtainable by being online. You'll get a reward after 5, 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes. The longer you stay online, the better the reward is. You can simply keep the game running while you go away, that will count too.
  2. Name, Rep, Pos., All., Cash, Rank, Side, Role: On 2, you see the name of you(r legend), the Reputation you have, the position you are, the Alliance you've joined, the WoL cash you own, the rank you are, the side you are and what role you are in the alliance. More information later.
  3. Your City name and the 3 tabs: On 3 you can see the name of your city, as well as 3 tabs. The first tab brings you to your city, the second tab brings you to your resource-fields and the third tab brings you to your surrounding area. When you get a second city, you'll be able to chose at number 3 to which city you want to go.
  4. Ruler, Inv, Task, Rank: At 4, you can find 4 pictograms. The second and third pictogram are the most important once, because you need tasks to grow and in your inventory all treasures and important items will be put. 
  5. Your palace: It is important to get a high level palace, because the higher level your palace is, the morewildlands you can occupy and territories you can own. The max. level of all buildings is level 20. In the palace, you can assign a governor, change the name of your city, change the Tax fee, check yourwildlands and territories, see how construction goes and pacify your population.
  6. Internal affairs, Legend, Alliance, Trade, Military situation, Report, Mail: Most important tabs here are "legend" and "report". At your legends tab, you can see all the legends you own and assign soldiers to them. At the report tab, you can see reports of battles you have fought with your army, as well as attacks to your city. Don't worry, the first days you play you cannot get attacked. 
  7. Buildings being constructed/upgraded: Here you can see the time that is required until your building has finished upgrading/being constructed. Without a labour bill, you can upgrade/construct 2 buildings at the same time. With a labour bill, you can upgrade/construct 5 buildings at the same time.
  8. More WoL-Cash, Shop, Support, Forum, Help: At 8, you can buy more WoL Cash (more on that later), spend that WoL cash on items in the shop and ask for support (in the forums).
  9. Resources: At 7, you see what resources you own and how many there are produced every hour. 
  10. Population, Gold, Loyalty, Tax Rate: At 10, you can see how many people there are in your city, as well as idle population. You can see how many gold you own and how many your income is per hour. You can see what loyalty the population has against you, which is influenced by the tax rate and attacks from outside.
  11. Chat: There's a World, Alliance and Private chat system as well as a system notification tab. You can find all those features under the global tab, or chose 1 by clicking on it. Be aware that chatting in World chat costs Horns.

    What should I do first?
    Go to Task and click on "Novice". There, you will find the first basic tasks which help you get used to the game. Eventually, the Novice tasks will be complete where you then have to follow the Growth and Daily tasks. 
    Besides following the tasks of Novice, make sure to build and upgrade your resource fields (Second tab above, called "outskirts"). There are 4 resources: Food, Wood, Stone and Copper. Food and wood are the most important resources, because you need both of them for building and creating an army. Stone is used for the wall of your city and all resources are used to build buildings and new resource fields. 
    I suggest building 1 of each resource fields, and start upgrading your food and wood as priority. When you notice you're short on 1 particular resource, build/upgrade that one until you have sufficient.
    - Be aware that your army takes food, so always have enough food to cover your army. You don't want to have 0 food because everything is going to the army. Balance it out.
    - Be aware that the wall takes stone, but that shouldn't be a problem since stone isn't needed for an army.
    Important buildings
    If you follow the novice tasks, you'll automatically build several buildings which are important for your city. Here's a list of important buildings:
    1. Your Palace, which you automatically have when you enter the game the first time. Make sure to upgrade your city quick, but stop at level 9 because at level 10 you will no longer be in the player-protection time.
    2. Villages. When building villages, you increase your population. More population is important for upgrading your palace, hiring new soldiers and getting more gold thanks to tax.
    3. University, where you can learn new skills which make several things easier or more profitable, for example increased tax rate, increased food/wood/stone/copper, lesser time to recruit new soldiers/build buildings, etc. etc. Always make sure to learn something, because eventually they can take a lot of time.
    4. Garrison. At a garrison, you train new soldiers. There are 4 different (basic) soldiers: halberdiers, swordsmen, archers, charioteers. You'll start by training halberdiers, and once you upgrade your garrison you will get access to better soldiers, the best being charioteers.
    5. Parade Ground is where you assign soldiers to legends. Upgrading the parade ground allows you to send out more legends on war or research. At the parade ground, you also have to assign legends to defend! You can do that by clicking in the parade ground on "defence". This is important, don't forget to assign your best legends to defend your city. You can still send out the legend assigned to defend.
    6. Legend Pavilion is where your legends "rest". Upgrading it will allow you to own more legends, but be aware that legends cost a lot of money.
    7. Your wall + Watchtower need to be upgraded for safety reasons. Upgrading your watchtower increases spy chance by your spies and decreases the spy chance of enemies. When you have been spied on, you'll get a report under the "Report" tab.
    WoL Cash?
    War of Legends has a currency, called "WoL cash". This costs real money and can be purchased via the website of WoL. Be aware that you don't NEED to buy anything, however WoL cash does make the game easier. But then again, many top-ranked players haven't bought a single WoL cash.
    When joining an alliance, you'll get 10 horns a day if you donate 30.000 gold every day via the "Alliance" tab. You can use horns to speak in World chat or safe them for nice rewards (more information about that in the task screen, under "Destiny". Look for "Horns 1/2/3/4/5/6"). 
    Alliances give a bonus to you and you can ask alliance members for help when you're getting attacked or need resources. Try to join an alliance from your neighbours, so that you cannot get attacked by them and so that you have more defence.
    Last tips
    • Make sure to have enough food and wood.
    • Make sure you have assigned a defence team via the parade ground and build a warehouse so that you keep some resources when you've been attacked and defeated. 
    • Save jewelry such as gold beads, jades, yarns or pearls, because you need them for the Aspiration task. 
    • Check the Daily and the destiny tabs on the task menu every day, because you get lovely bonuses such as a daily bag and free resources.
    • Use the bonus items in your bags when you play, because you want to get the most out of the game while you play. It's more fun when using increased tax for example.
    • Make sure to have enough population and enough Tax rate so that you don't lose cash every hour! You lose cash to the army and legends. When losing money, upgrade your villages ASAP and try to fire some legends you don't use. If you're really desperate, downgrade buildings so that you get 33% of the resources used to build it back. 
    If you have any questions, leave them below.

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